Call for Posters
The ACM International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC) will include a poster session with an associated 2-page extended abstract. The topics of interest follow the regular paper submission and include (but are not limited to):
March 13, 2025. Poster Submission Deadline
April 7, 2025. Notification of Acceptance (Posters)
Spyridon Mastorakis, University of Notre Dame, USA
Tanzima Islam, Texas State University, USA
We invite authors to submit poster contributions in the form of a two-page extended abstract and a poster draft. Abstracts shall be submitted via the poster submission website and should be formatted in the ACM Proceedings Style (for Latex, use \documentclass[sigconf]{acmart}; for MS Word use the template provided by ACM here). We recommend 36x48 size for the poster and portrait orientation. Each submission should include a title, all author names and affiliations, notes on whether any of the authors are students, and an indication of which author is corresponding/presenting the material. Poster abstracts will be reviewed by the poster program committee through a single-blind process and will be evaluated based on the following criteria: