Call for EU Projects Work-in-Progress Papers


The research community works fervently to address the needs of novel applications by pushing the boundaries in the field of distributed and high-performance computing. Ongoing projects are pooling resources, setting ambitious goals in that direction. This Special Track aims to solicit the ongoing works of European research projects in all fields related to distributed computing and its applications. The goal is to enable the community to establish a checkpoint on their research progress and foster the creative development of their work through the exchange of ideas among them. The Special Track format is particularly tailored to Horizon Europe research projects and the objective is to provide a platform to foster collaboration between those projects that share research interests but also cultural and organizational properties.

Indicative topics
  • Cloud-Edge Continuum
  • Convergence of Cloud-Edge and HPC Infrastructures
  • Novel Programming Models and Architectures for Cloud-Edge Continuum and HPC
  • Efficient Serverless Computing and FaaS
  • Federated and Distributed AI
  • AI for Resource Management
  • AI for Resource Orchestration
  • Energy-Efficient Resource Orchestration
  • Hyper-Distributed Applications
  • Self-Adaptive Computing Systems
  • Software Systems for Blockchains
  • RISC-V Based Cloud/Edge Services
  • Energy-Aware Software Stack for Exascale and Post-Exascale Supercomputers
  • Metrics to Measure the Efficiency of Supercomputers
  • Fault Prediction Mechanisms and Tools
  • Resilient Software for Multiple Processing Architectures
  • Co-Scheduling of Workloads Sharing Heterogeneous Resources
Important Dates AoE
  • March 15, 2024. Paper submission deadline (EU-Projects)

  • March 29, 2024. Notification of acceptance (EU-Projects)

  • April 18, 2024. Camera-ready version (EU-Projects)

EU-Project Track Chairs

Ana Juan Ferrer, European Commission, Belgium
Konstantinos Tserpes, National Technical University of Athens, Greece

EU-Project Track Technical Program Committee

George Kousiouris Harokopio University of Athens, Greece
Antonios Litke National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Antonios Makris Harokopio University of Athens, Greece
Theodoros Theodoropoulos Harokopio University of Athens, Greece
Emmanuele Carlini CNR, Italy
Jose Angel Banhares University of Zaragoza, Spain
Jörn Altmann SNU, Korea
Aris livadeas ETS, Canada


Submissions due: March 15, 2024
Acceptance notifications: March 29, 2024
Camera-Ready version: April 18, 2024
Conference dates: June 3-7, 2024

Submission Guidelines

Interested parties are invited to submit their paper of maximum 4 pages in PDF format, including references. Papers should be formatted in the ACM Proceedings Style (double column format). Papers will be officially published in ACM portal as work-in-progress papers.

Please submit your work-in-progress paper here. You can reach the submission site by clicking on the yellow button below.

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