HPDC Topics of Interest
- Grid middleware
- Service architectures
- Resource management, scheduling and load-balancing
- Data Management and Transport
- Virtualization for HPDC systems
- HPDC applications
- Parallel and distributed algorithms
- Software environments, programming frameworks and language/compiler support
- Workflow management
- High performance I/O and file systems
- Performance modeling, simulation, and prediction
- Fault tolerance, reliability and availability for HPDC applications
- Software/hardware/architecture for high end communications and networking
- Security, configuration, policy, and management issues
- Operating system technologies for high performance computing
- Multimedia, teleimmersive, and collaborative applications
- Terabit networks systems and services
- Multicore algorithms and software implementations
Abstract due: January 8
Paper Submission: Jan 15
Notification: Mar 26
Final Manuscripts: Apr 20
Hot Topics Due: June 1
Conference: June 27-29